King James Bible | ![]() |
Strong's Number And Link to Concordance | Name Pronouciation | Description |
ekpiptw | from ek - ek 1537 and piptw - pipto 4098; to drop away; specially, be driven out of one's course; figuratively, to lose, become inefficient:--be cast, fail, fall (away, off), take none effect. | |
ekplew | from ek - ek 1537 and plew - pleo 4126; to depart by ship:--sail (away, thence). | |
ekplhrow | from ek - ek 1537 and pleroo - pleroo 4137; to accomplish entirely:--fulfill. | |
ekplhrwsiV | from ekplhrow - ekpleroo 1603; completion:--accomplishment. | |
ekplhssw | from ek - ek 1537 and plhssw - plesso 4141; to strike with astonishment:--amaze, astonish. | |
ekpnew | from ek - ek 1537 and pnew - pneo 4154; to expire:--give up the ghost. | |
ekporeuomai | from ek - ek 1537 and poreuomai - poreuomai 4198; to depart, be discharged, proceed, project:--come (forth, out of), depart, go (forth, out), issue, proceed (out of). | |
ekporneuw | from ek - ek 1537 and porneuw - porneuo 4203; to be utterly unchaste:--give self over to fornication. | |
ekptuw | from ek - ek 1537 and ptuw - ptuo 4429; to spit out, i.e. (figuratively) spurn:--reject. | |
ekrizow | from ek - ek 1537 and rizow - rhizoo 4492; to uproot:--pluck up by the root, root up. | |
ekstasiV | from existhmi - existemi 1839; a displacement of the mind, i.e. bewilderment, "ecstasy":--+ be amazed, amazement, astonishment, trance. | |
ekstrefw | from ek - ek 1537 and strefw - strepho 4762; to pervert (figuratively):--subvert. | |
ektarassw | from ek - ek 1537 and tarassw - tarasso 5015; to disturb wholly:--exceedingly trouble. | |
ekteinw | from ek - ek 1537 and teino (to stretch); to extend:--cast, put forth, stretch forth (out). | |
ektelew | from ek - ek 1537 and telew - teleo 5055; to complete fully:--finish. | |
ekteneia | from ekteneV - ektenes 1618; intentness:--X instantly. | |
ektenesteron | neuter of the comparative of ekteneV - ektenes 1618; more intently:--more earnestly. | |
ekteneV | from ekteinw - ekteino 1614; intent:--without ceasing, fervent. | |
ektenwV | adverb from ekteneV - ektenes 1618; intently:--fervently. | |
ektiqhmi | from ek - ek 1537 and tiqhmi - tithemi 5087; to expose; figuratively, to declare:--cast out, expound. | |
ektinassw | from ek - ek 1537 and tinasso (to swing); to shake violently:--shake (off). | |
ektoV | from ek - ek 1537; the exterior; figuratively (as a preposition) aside from, besides:--but, except(-ed), other than, out of, outside, unless, without. | |
ektoV | ordinal from ex - hex 1803; sixth:--sixth. | |
ektrepw | from ek - ek 1537 and the base of troph - trope 5157; to deflect, i.e. turn away (literally or figuratively):--avoid, turn (aside, out of the way). | |
ektrefw | from ek - ek 1537 and trefw - trepho 5142; to rear up to maturity, i.e. (genitive case) to cherish or train:--bring up, nourish. | |
ektrwma | from a comparative of ek - ek 1537 and titrosko (to wound); a miscarriage (abortion), i.e. (by analogy) untimely birth:--born out of due time. | |
ekferw | from ek - ek 1537 and ferw - phero 5342; to bear out (literally or figuratively):--bear, bring forth, carry forth (out). | |
ekfeugw | from ek - ek 1537 and feugw - pheugo 5343; to flee out:--escape, flee. | |
ekfobew | from ek - ek 1537 and fobew - phobeo 5399; to frighten utterly:--terrify. | |
ekfoboV | from ek - ek 1537 and foboV - phobos 5401; frightened out of one's wits: sore afraid, exceedingly fear. | |
ekfuw | from ek - ek 1537 and fuw - phuo 5453; to sprout up:--put forth. | |
ekcew | ekchuno ek-khoo'-no from ek - ek 1537 and cheo (to pour); to pour forth; figuratively, to bestow:--gush (pour) out, run greedily (out), shed (abroad, forth), spill. | |
ekcwrew | from ek - ek 1537 and cwrew - choreo 5562; to depart:--depart out. | |
ekyucw | from ek - ek 1537 and yucw - psucho 5594; to expire:--give (yield) up the ghost. | |
ekwn | of uncertain affinity; voluntary:--willingly. | |
elaia | feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit):--olive (berry, tree). | |
elaion | neuter of the same as elaia - elaia 1636; olive oil:--oil. | |
elaiwn | from elaia - elaia 1636; an olive-orchard, i.e. (specially) the Mount of Olives:--Olivet. | |
ElamithV | of Hebrew origin (`Eylam 5867); an Elamite or Persian:--Elamite. | |
elasswn | or elatton el-at-tone' comparative of the same as elacistoV - elachistos 1646; smaller (in size, quantity, age or quality):--less, under, worse, younger. | |
elattonew | from elasswn - elasson 1640; to diminish, i.e. fall short:--have lack. | |
elattow | from elasswn - elasson 1640; to lessen (in rank or influence):--decrease, make lower. | |
elaunw | a prolonged form of a primary verb (obsolete except in certain tenses as an alternative of this) of uncertain affinity; to push (as wind, oars or dæmonical power):--carry, drive, row. | |
elafria | from elafroV - elaphros 1645; levity (figuratively), i.e. fickleness:--lightness. | |
elafroV | probably akin to elaunw - elauno 1643 and the base of elasswn - elasson 1640; light, i.e. easy:--light. | |
elacistoV | superlative of elachus (short); used as equivalent to mikroV - mikros 3398; least (in size, amount, dignity, etc.):--least, very little (small), smallest. | |
elacistoteroV | comparative of elacistoV - elachistos 1646; far less:--less than the least. | |
Eleazar | of Hebrew origin ('El`azar 499); Eleazar, an Israelite:--Eleazar. | |
elegxiV | from elegcw - elegcho 1651; refutation, i.e. reproof:--rebuke. | |
elegcoV | from elegcw - elegcho 1651; proof, conviction:--evidence, reproof. | |
elegcw | of uncertain affinity; to confute, admonish:--convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. | |
eleeinoV | from eleoV - eleos 1656; pitiable:--miserable. | |
eleew | from eleoV - eleos 1656; to compassionate (by word or deed, specially, by divine grace):--have compassion (pity on), have (obtain, receive, shew) mercy (on). | |
elehmosunh | from eleoV - eleos 1656; compassionateness, i.e. (as exercised towards the poor) beneficence, or (concretely) a benefaction:--alms(-deeds). | |
elehmwn | from eleew - eleeo 1653; compassionate (actively):--merciful. | |
eleoV | of uncertain affinity; compassion (human or divine, especially active):--(+ tender) mercy. | |
eleuqeria | from eleuqeroV - eleutheros 1658; freedom (legitimate or licentious, chiefly moral or ceremonial):--liberty. | |
eleuqeroV | probably from the alternate of ercomai - erchomai 2064; unrestrained (to go at pleasure), i.e. (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn or manumitted), or (genitive case) exempt (from obligation or liability):--free (man, woman), at liberty. | |
eleuqerow | from eleuqeroV - eleutheros 1658; to liberate, i.e. (figuratively) to exempt (from moral, ceremonial or mortal liability):--deliver, make free. | |
eleusiV | from the alternate of ercomai - erchomai 2064; an advent:--coming. | |
elefantinoV | from elephas (an "elephant"); elephantine, i.e. (by implication) composed of ivory:--of ivory. | |
Eliakeim | of Hebrew origin ('Elyaqiym' 471); Eliakim, an Israelite:--Eliakim. | |
Eliezer | of Hebrew origin ('Eliy`ezer 461); Eliezer, an Israelite:--Eliezer. | |
Elioud | of Hebrew origin (410 and howd 1935); God of majesty; Eliud, an Israelite:--Eliud. | |
Elisabet | of Hebrew origin ('Eliysheba` 472); Elisabet, an Israelitess:--Elisabeth. | |
ElissaioV | of Hebrew origin ('Eliysha` 477); Elissaeus, an Israelite:--Elissaeus. | |
elissw | a form of eilissw - heilisso 1507; to coil or wrap:--fold up. | |
elkoV | probably from elkuw - helkuo 1670; an ulcer (as if drawn together):--sore. | |
elkow | from elkoV - helkos 1668; to cause to ulcerate, i.e. (passively) be ulcerous:--full of sores. | |
elkuw | or helko hel'-ko; probably akin to aireomai - haireomai 138; to drag (literally or figuratively):--draw. Compare elissw - helisso 1667. | |
ellaV | of uncertain affinity; Hellas (or Greece), a country of Europe:--Greece. | |
ellhn | from ellaV - Hellas 1671; a Hellen (Grecian) or inhabitant of Hellas; by extension a Greek-speaking person, especially a non-Jew:-- Gentile, Greek. | |
ellhnikoV | from ellhn - Hellen 1672; Hellenic, i.e. Grecian (in language):--Greek. | |
ellhniV | feminine of ellhn - Hellen 1672; a Grecian (i.e. non-Jewish) woman:--Greek. | |
ellhnisthV | from a derivative of ellhn - Hellen 1672; a Hellenist or Greek-speaking Jew:--Grecian. | |
ellhnisti | adverb from the same as ellhnisthV - Hellenistes 1675; Hellenistically, i.e. in the Grecian language:--Greek. | |
ellogew | from en - en 1722 and logoV - logos 3056 (in the sense of account); to reckon in, i.e. attribute:--impute, put on account. | |
Elmwdam | of Hebrew origin (perhaps for 'Almowdad 486); Elmodam, an Israelite:--Elmodam. | |
elpizw | from elpiV - elpis 1680; to expect or confide:--(have, thing) hope(-d) (for), trust. | |
elpiV | from a primary elpo (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstractly or concretely) or confidence:--faith, hope. | |
ElumaV | of foreign origin; Elymas, a wizard:--Elymas. | |
elwi | of Chaldean origin ('elahh 426 with pronominal suffix) my God:--Eloi. | |
emautou | genitive case compound of emou - emou 1700 and autoV - autos 846; of myself so likewise the dative case emautoi em-ow-to', and accusative case emauton em-ow-ton' | |
embainw | from en - en 1722 and the base of basiV - basis 939; to walk on, i.e. embark (aboard a vessel), reach (a pool):--come (get) into, enter (into), go (up) into, step in, take ship. | |
emballw | from en - en 1722 and ballw - ballo 906; to throw on, i.e. (figuratively) subject to (eternal punishment):--cast into. | |
embaptw | from en - en 1722 and baptw - bapto 911; to whelm on, i.e. wet (a part of the person, etc.) by contact with a fluid:--dip. | |
embateuw | from en - en 1722 and a presumed derivative of the base of basiV - basis 939; equivalent to embainw - embaino 1684; to intrude on (figuratively):--intrude into. | |
embibazw | from en - en 1722 and bibazo (to mount; causative of 1684); to place on, i.e. transfer (aboard a vessel):--put in. | |
emblepw | from en - en 1722 and blepw - blepo 991; to look on, i.e. (relatively) to observe fixedly, or (absolutely) to discern clearly:--behold, gaze up, look upon, (could) see. | |
embrimaomai | from en - en 1722 and brimaomai (to snort with anger); to have indignation on, i.e. (transitively) to blame, (intransitively) to sigh with chagrin, (specially) to sternly enjoin:--straitly charge, groan, murmur against. | |
eme | a prolonged form of me - me 3165; me:--I, me, my(-self). | |
emew | of uncertain affinity; to vomit:--(will) spue. | |
emmainomai | from en - en 1722 and mainomai - mainomai 3105; to rave on, i.e. rage at:--be mad against. | |
Emmanouhl | of Hebrew origin (`Immanuw'el 6005); God with us; Emmanuel, a name of Christ:--Emmanuel. | |
EmmaouV | probably of Hebrew origin (compare yem 3222); Emmaus, a place in Palestine:--Emmaus. | |
emmenw | from en - en 1722 and menw - meno 3306; to stay in the same place, i.e. (figuratively) persevere:--continue. | |
Emmor | of Hebrew origin (Chamowr 2544); Emmor (i.e. Chamor), a Canaanite:--Emmor. | |
emoi | a prolonged form of moi - moi 3427; to me:--I, me, mine, my. | |
emoV | from the oblique cases of egw - ego 1473 (1698, emou - emou 1700, 1691); my:--of me, mine (own), my. | |
emou | a prolonged form of mocqoV - mochthos 3449; of me:--me, mine, my. |
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