King James Bible | ![]() |
Strong's Number And Link to Concordance | Name Pronouciation | Description |
arestoV | from areskw - aresko 700; agreeable; by implication, fit:--(things that) please(-ing), reason. | |
AretaV | of foreign origin; Aretas, an Arabian:--Aretas. | |
areth | from the same as arrhn - arrhen 730; properly, manliness (valor), i.e. excellence (intrinsic or attributed):--praise, virtue. | |
arhn | perhaps the same as arrhn - arrhen 730; a lamb (as a male):--lamb. | |
ariqmew | from ariqmoV - arithmos 706; to enumerate or count:--number. | |
ariqmoV | from airw - airo 142; a number (as reckoned up):--number. | |
Arimaqaia | of Hebrew origin (Ramah 7414); Arimathaea (or Ramah), a place in Palestine:--Arimathaea. | |
AristarcoV | from the same as ariston - ariston 712 and arcw - archo 757; best ruling; Aristarchus, a Macedonian:--Aristarchus. | |
aristaw | from ariston - ariston 712; to take the principle meal:--dine. | |
aristeroV | apparently a comparative of the same as ariston - ariston 712; the left hand (as second-best):--left (hand). | |
AristobouloV | from the same as ariston - ariston 712 and boulh - boule 1012; best counselling; Aristoboulus, a Christian:--Aristobulus. | |
ariston | apparently neuter of a superlative from the same as arrhn - arrhen 730; the best meal (or breakfast; perhaps from eri ("early")), i.e. luncheon:--dinner. | |
arketoV | from arkew - arkeo 714; satisfactory:--enough, suffice (-ient). | |
arkew | apparently a primary verb (but probably akin to airw - airo 142 through the idea of raising a barrier); properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory):--be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. | |
arktoV | probably from arkew - arkeo 714; a bear (as obstructing by ferocity):--bear. | |
arma | probably from airw - airo 142 (perhaps with a - a 1 (as a particle of union) prefixed); a chariot (as raised or fitted together (compare 719)):--chariot. | |
Armageddwn | of Hebrew origin (2022 and Mgiddown 4023); Armageddon (or Har-Meggiddon), a symbolic name:--Armageddon. | |
armozw | from armoV - harmos 719; to joint, i.e. (figuratively) to woo (reflexively, to betroth):--espouse. | |
armoV | from the same as arma - harma 716; an articulation (of the body):--joint. | |
arneomai | perhaps from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the middle voice of rew - rheo 4483; to contradict, i.e. disavow, reject, abnegate:--deny, refuse. | |
arnion | diminutive from arhn - aren 704; a lambkin:--lamb. | |
arotriow | from arotron - arotron 723; to plow:--plough. | |
arotron | from aroo (to till); a plow:--plough. | |
arpagh | from arpazw - harpazo 726; pillage (properly abstract):--extortion, ravening, spoiling. | |
arpagmoV | from arpazw - harpazo 726; plunder (properly concrete):--robbery. | |
arpazw | from a derivative of aireomai - haireomai 138; to seize (in various applications):--catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force). | |
arpax | from arpazw - harpazo 726; rapacious:--extortion, ravening. | |
arrabwn | of Hebrew origin (`arabown 6162); a pledge, i.e. part of the purchase-money or property given in advance as security for the rest:--earnest. | |
arrafoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of the same as rafiV - rhaphis 4476; unsewed, i.e. of a single piece:--without seam. | |
arrhn | or arsen ar'-sane probably from airw - airo 142; male (as stronger for lifting):--male, man. | |
arrhtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the same as rhtwV - rhetos 4490; unsaid, i.e. (by implication) inexpressible:--unspeakable. | |
arrwstoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of rwnnumi - rhonnumi 4517; infirm:--sick (folk, -ly). | |
arsenokoithV | from arrhn - arrhen 730 and koith - koite 2845; a sodomite:--abuser of (that defile) self with mankind. | |
ArtemaV | contracted from a compound of ArtemiV - Artemis 735 and dwron - doron 1435; gift of Artemis; Artemas (or Artemidorus), a Christian:--Artemas. | |
ArtemiV | probably from the same as artemwn - artemon 736; prompt; Artemis, the name of a Grecian goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities:--Diana. | |
artemwn | from a derivative of arti - arti 737; properly, something ready (or else more remotely from airw - airo 142 (compare 740); something hung up), i.e. (specially) the topsail (rather foresail or jib) of a vessel:--mainsail. | |
arti | adverb from a derivative of airw - airo 142 (compare 740) through the idea of suspension; just now:--this day (hour), hence(-forth), here(-after), hither(-to), (even) now, (this) present. | |
artigennhtoV | from arti - arti 737 and gennhtoV - gennetos 1084; just born, i.e. (figuratively) a young convert:--new born. | |
artioV | from arti - arti 737; fresh, i.e. (by implication) complete:--perfect. | |
artoV | from airw - airo 142; bread (as raised) or a loaf:--(shew-)bread, loaf. | |
artuw | from a presumed derivative of airw - airo 142; to prepare, i.e. spice (with stimulating condiments):--season. | |
Arfaxad | of Hebrew origin ('Arpakshad 775); Arphaxad, a post-diluvian patriarch:--Arphaxad. | |
arcaggeloV | from arcw - archo 757 and aggeloV - aggelos 32; a chief angel:--archangel. | |
arcaioV | from arch - arche 746; original or primeval:--(them of) old (time). | |
ArcelaoV | from arcw - archo 757 and LaodikeuV - Laodikeus 2994; people-ruling; Archelaus, a Jewish king:--Archelaus. | |
arch | from arcomai - archomai 756; (properly abstract) a commencement, or (concretely) chief (in various applications of order, time, place, or rank):--beginning, corner, (at the, the) first (estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule. | |
archgoV | from arch - arche 746 and agw - ago 71; a chief leader:--author, captain, prince. | |
arcieratikoV | from arch - arche 746 and a derivative of ieroV - hieros 2413; high-priestly:--of the high-priest. | |
arciereuV | from arch - arche 746 and iereuV - hiereus 2409; the high-priest (literally, of the Jews, typically, Christ); by extension a chief priest:--chief (high) priest, chief of the priests. | |
arcipoimhn | from arch - arche 746 and poimhn - poimen 4166; a head shepherd:--chief shepherd. | |
ArcippoV | from arch - arche 746 and ippoV - hippos 2462; horse-ruler; Archippus, a Christian:--Archippus. | |
arcisunagwgoV | from arch - arche 746 and sunagwgh - sunagoge 4864; director of the synagogue services:--(chief) ruler of the synagogue. | |
arcitektwn | from arch - arche 746 and tektwn - tekton 5045; a chief constructor, i.e. "architect":--masterbuilder. | |
arcitelwnhV | from arch - arche 746 and telwnhV - telones 5057; a principle tax-gatherer:--chief among the publicans. | |
arcitriklinoV | from arch - arche 746 and a compound of treiV - treis 5140 and klinw - klino 2827 (a dinner-bed, because composed of three couches); director of the entertainment:--governor (ruler) of the feast. | |
arcomai | middle voice of arcw - archo 757 (through the implication, of precedence); to commence (in order of time):--(rehearse from the) begin(-ning). | |
arcw | a primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power):--reign (rule) over. | |
arcwn | present participle of arcw - archo 757; a first (in rank or power):--chief (ruler), magistrate, prince, ruler. | |
arwma | from airw - airo 142 (in the sense of sending off scent); an aromatic:--(sweet) spice. | |
Asa | of Hebrew origin ('Aca' 609); Asa, an Israelite:--Asa. | |
asaleutoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of saleuw - saleuo 4531; unshaken, i.e. (by implication) immovable (figuratively):--which cannot be moved, unmovable. | |
asbestoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of sbennumi - sbennumi 4570; not extinguished, i.e. (by implication) perpetual:--not to be quenched, unquenchable. | |
asebeia | from asebhV - asebes 765; impiety, i.e. (by implication) wickedness:--ungodly(-liness). | |
asebew | from asebhV - asebes 765; to be (by implied act) impious or wicked:--commit (live, that after should live) ungodly. | |
asebhV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of sebomai - sebomai 4576; irreverent, i.e. (by extension) impious or wicked:-- ungodly (man). | |
aselgeia | from a compound of a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed selges (of uncertain derivation, but apparently meaning continent); licentiousness (sometimes including other vices):--filthy, lasciviousness, wantonness. | |
ashmoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of shmainw - semaino 4591; unmarked, i.e. (figuratively) ignoble:--mean. | |
Ashr | of Hebrew origin ('Asher 836); Aser (i.e. Asher), an Israelite tribe:--Aser. | |
asqeneia | from asqenhV - asthenes 772; feebleness (of mind or body); by implication, malady; morally, frailty:--disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness. | |
asqenew | from asqenhV - asthenes 772; to be feeble (in any sense):--be diseased, impotent folk (man), (be) sick, (be, be made) weak. | |
asqenhma | from asqenew - astheneo 770; a scruple of conscience:--infirmity. | |
asqenhV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of sqenow - sthenoo 4599; strengthless (in various applications, literal, figurative and moral):--more feeble, impotent, sick, without strength, weak(-er, -ness, thing). | |
Asia | of uncertain derivation; Asia, i.e. Asia Minor, or (usually) only its western shore:--Asia. | |
AsianoV | from Asia - Asia 773; an Asian (i.e. Asiatic) or an inhabitant of Asia:--of Asia. | |
AsiarchV | from Asia - Asia 773 and arch - arche 746; an Asiarch or president of the public festivities in a city of Asia Minor:--chief of Asia. | |
asitia | from asitoV - asitos 777; fasting (the state):--abstinence. | |
asitoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and sitoV - sitos 4621; without (taking) food:--fasting. | |
askew | probably from the same as skeuoV - skeuos 4632; to elaborate, i.e. (figuratively) train (by implication, strive):--exercise. | |
askoV | from the same as askew - askeo 778; a leathern (or skin) bag used as a bottle:--bottle. | |
asmenwV | adverb from a derivative of the base of hdonh - hedone 2237; with pleasure:--gladly. | |
asofoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and sofoV - sophos 4680; unwise:--fool. | |
aspazomai | from a - a 1 (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of spaw - spao 4685; to enfold in the arms, i.e. (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcome:--embrace, greet, salute, take leave. | |
aspasmoV | from aspazomai - aspazomai 782; a greeting (in person or by letter):--greeting, salutation. | |
aspiloV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and spilow - spiloo 4695; unblemished (physically or morally):--without spot, unspotted. | |
aspiV | of uncertain derivation; a buckler (or round shield); used of a serpent (as coiling itself), probably the "asp":--asp. | |
aspondoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of spendw - spendo 4689; literally, without libation (which usually accompanied a treaty), i.e. (by implication) truceless:--implacable, truce-breaker. | |
assarion | of Latin origin; an assarius or as, a Roman coin:--farthing. | |
asson | neuter comparative of the base of egguV - eggus 1451; more nearly, i.e. very near:--close. | |
AssoV | probably of foreign origin; Assus, a city of Asia MInor:--Assos. | |
astatew | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of isthmi - histemi 2476; to be non-stationary, i.e. (figuratively) homeless:--have no certain dwelling-place. | |
asteioV | from astu (a city); urbane, i.e. (by implication) handsome:--fair. | |
asthr | probably from the base of strwnnumi - stronnumi 4766; a star (as strown over the sky), literally or figuratively:--star. | |
asthriktoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of sthrizw - sterizo 4741; unfixed, i.e. (figuratively) vacillating:--unstable. | |
astorgoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of stergo (to cherish affectionately); hard-hearted towards kindred:--without natural affection. | |
astocew | from a compound of a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and stoichos (an aim); to miss the mark, i.e. (figuratively) deviate from truth:--err, swerve. | |
astraph | from astraptw - astrapto 797; lightning; by analogy, glare:--lightning, bright shining. | |
astraptw | probably from asthr - aster 792; to flash as lightning:--lighten, shine. | |
astron | neuter from asthr - aster 792; properly, a constellation; put for a single star (natural or artificial):--star. | |
AsugkritoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of sugkrinw - sugkrino 4793; incomparable; Asyncritus, a Christian:--Asyncritos. | |
asumfwnoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and sumfwnoV - sumphonos 4859; inharmonious (figuratively):--agree not. |
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